Testimonials for: Space Clearing


“It’s only been a week since the space clearing and I have a girlfriend! If that doesn’t deserve a rave review, I don’t know what does. I want to thank you for clearing the way for such a wonderful person to enter my life”.
~ Les, Brooklyn


“Dear Tracey,
 Just a note of sincere thanks to you. I am truly astonished as to just how different this space feels, and is, since the space clearing. Not to mention just how astute and sensitive you were to our very natures. all was amazing. It was wonderful to meet you, and you have turned around a somewhat intolerable situation. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. “
~KB, Pacific Palisades, CA


“Once again, thanks so much for doing the Space Clearing for us. I can’t begin to tell you how much it has positively affected me. I have fallen in love with my husband again. It’s like some barriers have fallen and the old times are back again when our relationship was lit with love, togetherness, and passion. He was always available, it was just me who had stopped living.
~ Shera, Sydney, Australia


“I actually have a paying job now for the first time in almost two years!  Yippee!  All I can say to you is Thank You – it was one of the most incredible experiences of my life.  It seemed as though a lot of myself  opened, even in the days before you arrived.  Your awesomeness of a deep presence is remarkable…I am forever  changed -as  is our house!”
~ Jules, Mare Island, CA


“Not only is Tracey a beautiful being, but the ceremony with all the flowers and bells was the most gorgeous, spiritual and uplifting experience I’ve ever had.  Since the clearing, my life has been in constant transformation (which is what I asked for).  If you’re looking for change or improve the quality of your life, this is the single most important thing you should do for yourself!”  
~ John W. Lifestyle Consultant, Sherman Oaks, CA


“The mandala Tracey created for our wedding was more than breathtakingly beautiful, it created a space of high, clear spiritual love that held us and our guests in such tangible warmth during the ceremony. We all felt our hearts open, wrapped in the space.”
~ Love, Tracy, Silverlake, CA


“Thank you for the wonderful experience in Space Clearing yesterday! It was beyond my expectations. I am momentarily speechless.”
~ Michael, Brooklyn, NY


“Dear Tracey
Just wanted to write with a belated thank you for all you did. The energy & emotional release took me completely by surprise. From when you first arrived and I found myself very tearful as many emotions about past relationships and how I view myself surfaced to the end of the ceremony where I felt lighter & free of so much confusion. The impact the bells and their magical sound, (which have to be heard to be believed!)
 Thank you again.”
~ Jackelyn, Manhattan, NYC


“When Tracey came to space clear our house we had one main focus: to have a baby. Tracey cleared our house of any old energy that was hanging around in the rooms and created a new warm, loving, and inviting space.

And the changes we received resulted in our biggest present ever. We conceived our first child on the evening the Space Clearing took place. If that isn’t a testimonial I don’t know what is! Thank you, Tracey, for preparing our home and our hearts for our new bundle of joy which will be arriving in January 2005.”
~ Franc and Alison Biffone, Sydney, Australia


“I just wanted to thank you so much for the wonderful Space Clearing ceremony. It was just beautiful, and it was so wonderful to work with you. I really appreciated all of your insights and was deeply impressed with your understanding and your ability to truly sense and read the energy within the space. I’ve been implementing your recommendations, too.”
~ Kathryn, Queens, NY


“A million thanks to Tracey for letting us have a wonderful and beautiful Space Clearing experience. As suggested by Tracey, we did a lot of clutter clearing and threw away a lot of useless items. It’s most remarkable that I found out I was pregnant after only three weeks after the space clearing. We have been waiting for this pregnancy to happen; it’s just so wonderful!”
~ Frances, Singapore


“It was a great pleasure for both of us to meet you and participate in the Space Clearing – it was a real breakthrough for me in so many different ways, and the information download (as well as energy boost) we got from the process was incredible. You are fantastic. My husband was seriously impressed by the whole thing; I’ve never seen him embrace something this ‘alternative’ with so much enthusiasm. It was good to validate all the ‘intuitive feelings’ I’d had about stuff. We are grateful for everything you have done for us.”
~ Sarah, Singapore


“I’m still singing your praises here, and I have to say that a lot of things, albeit small, have happened to us since the Space Clearing. We managed to almost clear ourselves of debts and the ones we have are good ones that are income-producing. We have had other unexplained little triumphs which we can’t explain. We are certainly on the road to wonderful things and opportunities come our way that we are sure weren’t there before.”
~ Danielle Moody, Singapore


“I just wanted to say thank you so much for an incredible, amazing, truly awe-inspiring, and beautiful day! I’ve been on such a high since this morning; it’s a real feeling of lightness, energy, and happiness. I’m really feeling a difference in myself and in our home tonight. Also, I’ve had a couple of issues with my sister recently but they all sort of vaporized after the clearing. Everything’s feeling really great, just like old times. Thank you so much, and this is barely the beginning! You are truly an angel. A Goddess!”
~ Annabelle Choo, Singapore


“Since Tracey came to space clear my apartment, I have had the most wonderfully charged and vibrant days! It feels as if the veil that had clouded my vision and my thoughts in the last four years has suddenly been lifted. I am decisive, determined, and energized. My thoughts are clear and my spirit is joyous.

On the practical level, I check off the to-do list with a gusto that I have not seen since I left the investment banking world four years ago! I feel more secure in my own space to be able to express myself clearly to colleagues at work and people in my life. I surprise myself on every level!

And most of all, I am in awe of the powerful impact that a simple act of clearing the clutter can have in my life. I have restarted the nonprofit work that I have been meaning to revive for the last 12 months. For that, my soul is eternally grateful.”
~ Lynna, Singapore


“My first Space Clearing with Tracey happened to coincide with the day of the funeral of the woman who used to own my house; she was 95 years old. Before the clearing I had felt guilty gardening or doing anything to the house. The house felt like it was really still hers; she had been the only owner of the house since it was built in 1946. After the clearing I felt amazing energy. I was really fired up and enthusiastic about life! The house felt really mine, as if the remnants of the past owner were finally gone. I felt more relaxed – the woman had been very tense – and I felt like my energy had finally landed in my new home.

I had asked for more abundance, and, boy, did I get it! About two hours after the clearing, my mother-in-law called to tell me she had bought a house on the coast that was big enough for all of us to share and use as a vacation house. My husband and I had been looking at this house for months and had decided we couldn’t afford it. During the Space Clearing I had focused on the beach vacation we had just returned from because I wanted to bring that happy, vibrant energy into my home. Thank you, Tracey!”
~ Jane Kenyon, Canberra, Australia


“Thank you for Space Clearing my home last Sunday. As you would know, I am still enjoying the magic of it as well as the practical benefits. The big news is that the Space Clearing was truly an amazing experience, and I feel so fantastic. And, I have cleared out, so far, one car trunk full of linens and towels, seven garbage bags full of clothes, and two recycling bins full of paper: and that was just last night and tonight.

Then there is the spiritual and energetic side of it. The house feels so clear – though not especially clean – and light.

The children have been playing in their room for the first time ever. There must have been something in there that made them feel like it wasn’t safe or that it wasn’t theirs, or perhaps, that it was already too full. So, that is another wonderful benefit.
Thank you, more than I can say, for everything.”
~ Arabella, Sydney, Australia


“Tracey and I spoke about Space Clearing when I was searching for a way to identify my path forward in life.  I had a most remarkable experience with Tracey that was no doubt one of the best things I have ever done in my life.

The Space Clearing helped me in many different ways: physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Fundamentally, Tracey helped me clear the physical space in my house to make me feel more relaxed, energetic, and open. Before, I felt as if I was being held down and enclosed in a space that was part of my past.

As a result of the Space Clearing I also have found an opening to allow my spiritual side to develop; this has been a primary need for me for many, many years. This has been an experience I will never forget.”
~ Peter Skalberg, MD, Bates Asia, Singapore


“We were in awe of all the work, beauty and creativity you put into clearing our home.  We been in this home sine 2001 and it always had a heavy feeling.  Since the clearing there was a noticeable shift, change not only in the home but also in different areas/spaces of our daily life, from our relationship to finances.”
~ Allan & Minia, Los Angeles CA



Garner Banking and Finance, Singapore

“When we moved offices the first thing we did was to call Red Alchemy to have the place space cleared. When we used Tracey for the first time a couple of years back business was a little thin and we thought, ‘What the heck, let’s try something different.’ And, boy, were we glad we did. The day after, it was as if a bottleneck had been released. The phone started ringing and the orders came in.

Obviously, when we moved to bigger offices we had a marathon session and did the whole place. Business increased once again and luckily we had the extra staff to cope. It’s been four months now and the new higher level of business has been constant. I cannot recommend Tracey enough; put aside any prejudices and preconceptions, and do yourself a favor.”
~ John Tomnay, Managing Director


ABS-CBN Foundation, Inc. Manila, Phils.

“Tracey space cleared five rooms in the Bantay Bata children’s village and the ABS CBN Foundation Building in Manila. In the children’s village two babies had been left by their mothers and despite all the love and care we gave them, they were not sleeping well. This was remedied right away after the Space Clearing. They slept peacefully. The village staff said they immediately felt a ‘lightening’ of the village.

In the ABS CBN Foundation Building, one of my aspirations was, and continues to be, to have increasingly more resources. To help us make this a reality, in October, Tracey space cleared. In December, the Philippines was hit with a massive typhoon. Four successive typhoons caused the deaths of thousands. Ten thousand people were displaced. It was a disaster of major proportions. What happened at the Foundation was unprecedented. In one month, we raised two million dollars. The money just kept pouring in. It was awesome. I am convinced the Space Clearing helped clear the way for the aspirations to manifest. I, along with the people who continue to benefit, am deeply grateful.”
~Gina Lopez, Managing Director


EKM Legal, Technology and Intellectual Property Lawyers, Melbourne

“I wanted to let you know that our business has experienced a wonderful few months since you space cleared our office. If you recall, we were concerned by the remaining energy of the partner of the business who left suddenly and acrimoniously. The energy in the office has increased enormously since then. All has gone well and we have employed two additional employees. Things look very bright for us. Thank you once again.”
~ Jennifer McEwan


Innate, Singapore

“Thank you for an awesome Space Clearing at the Innate CBD practice. It was very powerful and beautiful as always. I wanted to let you know that we had a record-breaking week this week.

Thank you! You really have an incredible gift to offer the world (wherever you are). Thanks for reminding me that the way to build my practice is from my heart and not from my head.”
~ Dr. Lynelle Kerr


Testimonials for: Clear Your Clutter Workshop

“Very inspiring with a great, engaging teacher who leads by example!”
~ Gita Reddy, NYC


“I took this course because I liked your “vibes” and I really like the way you connect the ordinary and the spiritual. You are doing a real spiritual transmission in the tradition of master teachers.”
~ Fran, NYC


“Attending your class has changed my life for the better. Your suggestions helped me have the courage to pick myself up from a totally low point and emerge victorious. In the last 6 weeks I hired a personal trainer and have lost 10 pounds, I have given away half of my furniture and other belongings and best of all I am making positive strides toward the future without fear. I am developing an action plan for changing my career and the place I live in. Even the impending operation will not be as scary as I anticipated. New people have come into my life and I am happier than I have been in years.”
~ Jeanne Billman, NYC


“When you speak, you have a very unique way to choose words that are energizing – its the uniqueness of your words that give off a spark.”
~ Christiane Kromer, Brooklyn


“What I have found interesting is that the changing of my mind has been more seamless than I would have imagined. It seems more natural. I went to the class every week and did homework. I started to change. I really liked the reinforcement of the class.

Letter Writing Assignment – I knew it would be powerful but I had NO IDEA how powerful. Let’s just say that in writing to my unknown birthparents (I was adopted at birth) I unearthed an avalanche of emotions and cried for hours. Then, several days later, I was able to let go of the 18th century sideboard that belongs to my husband and finally let him sell it. This money will pay for a huge chunk of our new kitchen. I really feel free enough to start my own history and not try and live through someone else’s.”
~ DLA, New Jersey


“For me, the most valuable part of the class was that it has given me a solid foundation upon which to begin to apply the principles of Feng Shui. It’s so clear that after several false starts, that clearing my clutter is the first vital step. The class has given me a sense of direction and a strategy for getting started.”
~ Les, Brooklyn NY


“I liked starting on time and stopping exactly on time – good structure. I enjoyed Tracey teaching – very knowledgeable. I resonate with her and her ideas and knowledge. Felt a connection.

The most engaging was the Ideal Home meditation – it made my cry to have the realization of the ugly place I’ve put myself to live when I could live in beauty that supports me. Gave me hope.”


Testimonials for: Clear Your Clutter 2-day Workshop

“Wonderfully inspiring and uplifting. I feel totally motivated to begin a major clutter clearing process, to release what no longer serves me, and move on with the best parts of my life. I am very excited. Many thanks Tracey.”
~ Eileen, Brooklyn NY


“It was very well organized, and passionately and clearly presented. Tracey always answered questions and tailored the workshop to the needs of the attendants. She did not just lecture; she kept contact with each individual. She was always respectful.”
~ LS, Manhattan, NY


“I like that u walk the walk & talk the talk. U live and practice what u r teaching, GOOD JOB!”
~ Alexa, Astoria NY


“Beautiful energy, atmosphere in the room during the whole workshop, and your non-judgmental attitude:)”
~ Sabine P, East Village, NY


Testimonials for: Space Clearing 1-day Workshop

“Tracey has a wonderful stability of energy that works well in a sizeable class. She “walks her talk” conveys the information on every energetic level coherently”
~ Carol Kulig, New York


“Tracey’s energy is inspiring. She is an extremely positive person and doesn’t have the negative/sad energy that I’ve sensed from other types of holistic/energy work professionals.”
~ Jan D, Tribeca, NY


“Tracey demonstrates in minute, loving detail the evolving Space Clearing and consecration methods in Karen Kingston’s books. She brings theory to life. This will definately carry over into my life and have a dramatic effect on my home!”
~ Anon, NYC


“The entire workshop was great – it all tied together and flowed quite well. Tracey is an engaged and energetic speaker & teacher. Don’t know how she did it!”
~ J.R Brooklyn, NY


“Thank you, the fabulous workshop! It was very profound & I was thrilled w/the lessons! It was an honor to see you do your work.”
~ BB, Brooklyn, NY


Testimonials for: Emotional Clearing, Relationship Coaching & Healing

“I’ve worked with Tracey extensively over the last 2 years and suffice to say she is a spiritual powerhouse with wonderful and nuanced insight and caring energy who has essentially brought me from an adolescent arrested developmental state to a more mature and stable man. I highly recommend her to all. “ ~ DP, Berkeley CA


“Tracey has a deep sense of personal integrity, clarity and an ability to hold steady attention through challenging and tumultuous work. She does not shy away from the shadow side of things but rather becomes even more fierce and strong. I felt very held and supported as I delved into some very painful episodes from childhood trauma, unearthing some of my most deeply held patterns of fear, distrust and wounding. I trust her completely. I appreciate her generosity and that she made herself available via email and phone to follow up or answer questions.”
~ Kate Randall, Mill Valley, CA


“Tracey is beautiful – a Goddess, who is a source of inspiration for all who meet and know her. She has incredible depth and knowledge in the realms of love, relationship and inner alchemy. Tracey set me on a path of discovery and awakening, and has inspired in me a journey that has forever changed my life and has been infinitely rewarding.” AC, Singapore


“I’ve been working with Tracey in IST Therapy as well as having had her do a house clearing for me last year.  After the house clearing I went from a very poor year in real estate to being the top producing agent in my office.

In terms of personal sessions. I would describe my experience as life changing, helpful, beautiful, magical and something I recommend highly. I was very impressed with her and got great results from everything I did with her.  She is warm, loving, available and very professional. Our work together raised my self esteem, helped me manifest more wealth and a lovely boyfriend.”
~ Dianne, Oakland, CA


“Tracey plays a very important presence in my spiritual healing. Through her gentle guidance, I am able to reach optimum awareness to help clear the mind, encourage surrender and stillness, to accept the renewal of the mind, body and spirit. She inspires graceful everyday living, with incredible, encouraging results. Thank you Tracey.
~SR, Manhattan Beach


“Thank you so much for yesterday!  It is amazing how much more centered and not distracted I feel!  This is good stuff…I like finding me!”
~Lily B, San Francisco


“With the assistance of Tracey’s tremendous knowledge and gentle guidance, I am discovering a stillness and a power in myself that I did not previously know existed. I am forever grateful for the opportunity to work with such a wonderful being.”
~ Karen Malina, San Francisco  xoxo


“I LOVED working with Tracey! With each IST session, I went into a very deep space, where I was able to process and let go of a GREAT deal of heaviness that I have been carrying for most of my life. I had a recurrent pain under my right rib for over ten years that no doctor could explain. After one session where I experienced a past life… it disappeared and has never returned. Amazing!
~ Jay B, Hollywood, CA


I did my first ever IST session with Tracey Stanton and I knew this practice would be for me.  She has opened my vision to feel areas in my body that hold emotional tension and blocks to connecting with the world around me.  ISIS with Tracey has been full of opening and exploration.  I’ve experienced a shift from playing the victim to reclaiming my will and becoming an active player in my life.   Her style is vibrant and encouraging!


Tracey has a solid and soothing presence, a deep capacity to hold tender and vulnerable parts. I immediately felt safe and comfortable with Tracey. I was inspired to work with her because of a chronic UTI that antibiotics were not healing. I knew there was an emotional and psychospiritual component. Tracey worked with me to energetically shift and release the holding there and my UTI healed. This was just the beginning of what became weekly sessions. I received feedback that I appeared softer, more grounded and receptive in the months that followed my work with her.

~CC, Berkeley, California